And guess where I am blogging from today? Massachusetts! Yes it is true.
Something funny happened yesterday.
I climbed a mutha' effin' mountain.
I have never gone hiking so near to winter.
I mean I guess it is technically winter.
Well I climbed that mountain and when we got to the top- ICE
Shit was iced over and the wind was tremendous.
So then I mass texted a bunch of people and I got similar responses that were formulated like this: "I did this, that's kind of like hiking a mountain, right?"
I feel like addressing these and see if they really are like climbing a mountain. There were two good ones.
The first was "Well my friend just bought an 8th, that's kind of like climbing a mountain."
And I think this is the most similar for obvious reasons. Getting high - climbing high. You start at the base and as you start going you might lose your breath, you know? But if you keep trucking you'll get to the top and it'll look awesome and you'll hang out up there, surveying the land. And then you have to find your way down and your exhausted and you kind of throw yourself around. And you get to the bottom and your like, "Wow I almost died but I wanna do it again."
The second was, "Well I ate queso and chips at Chili's, that's kind of like hiking a mountain right?" And I was like maybe. If filling up is like getting high, right? Or climbing amount? I think there is the same danger in filling up and then when you come down, your bathroom should probably watch the fuck out.
Yeah. This entry is kind of whatever. But fuck you I'm on vacation!