Thursday, November 12, 2009


My roommate from freshman year started her own blog.
I've only ever had a personal online journal where I bitch and moan and cry and all of that.
Well here I am trying to start my very own comedic blog that'll hopefully be funny and somewhat truthful.

I ran 5 miles last night in the fitness center and as I was doing such I watched a show on Jack Ripper.
First off, people are still seriously trying to solve this? Motherfucker's been dead for like 130 years or something.
Whatever, they try to use modern technology and these weird mannequin looking things to talk about how he cut up all these women in alleyways. They have all these suspects-- I'd probably put my money on the weird, creepy American doctor who stored uteruses in his home and labeled them by class. (Yeah... it's true) But the coolest suspect had to be Mary Pearcey.


Basically she was hanged for slaughtering this woman and her baby so she could keep the man to herself.
Poor thing. I bet he wasn't really worth it. Just another dick in a high-collared jacket asking for sandwiches. (And sandwiches were around...they've always been around. Don't believe me? Wiki that.)

But how cool would that be if the sick-o that was killing all those women, seemingly out of hatred for women, was a woman?! Mind blowing. I think she is still a suspect, though they could have tossed her aside.

In short, I wish it was a woman. But I am pretty sure it was the creepy looking doctor who kept uteruses.

My money's on him.

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