Friday, April 30, 2010

Medical Boot Fashion Part 2

Broken Beauties
My good friend, Aubrey Robertson, directed me to this website called "Broken Beauties." Apparently, one woman had the same idea that I did-- That injury doesn't have to be ugly. Here's the beginning of her story:

In the Fall of 2002 my very busy, very active sister took one jump too many on a trampoline and severely fractured her ankle. The first few days were spent in a blur of pain, surgery, more pain and adjusting to this new very restricted life. Even in a large metropolitan area she had trouble finding the things she needed to function on a daily basis. Her medical bills began to haunt her, the medication made her sick and keeping the weight off without her normal exercise routine became a frustrating challenge and that was on a good day!
The crutches were “ugly”. “Why can’t someone make good looking crutches?”, she’d lament.
And so Broken Beauties was founded. They offer slings, crutches, walkers, and more! I spent some time on the site and was saddened to find that there were no special medical boot covers. I'm going to send an e-mail, because maybe no one has ever requested a medical boot before.

Dress it Up!
As you all know I am determined to dress this injury up. Here are my past two days in injured style.

I did a half french braid pulled to the side.

And on Thursday I wore another dress:

Sun dresses are super comfortable and easy to put on.
Not to mention they scream "styled."

That's all for today.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


So I have a stress fracture in my left heel. Meaning no running for 4-6 (possibly even 8) weeks. For a runner, this is torture. This also means I have to wear a boot.
For someone graduating college in 3 weeks, this is also torture.
Now- there is a small chance I just tore the ligament or tendon or whatever. And that it'll be close to recovery on Friday (day of my follow up appointment). If it still hurts on Friday (which means I'll have to walk on it again sans Advil) I am going to get an x-ray. Such fun for me.
I'd rather this:
But I don't think that is going t
o be happening if I can barely walk. Lugging that freaking thing a around makes me incredibly tired. Hopefully I can adjust in the next two days and I can still go out. Sure I'll have a boot on but that doesn't mean I can't go out and look cute!

So I bring you:


Last night I watched Season 6, Episode 11 "The Domino Effect." In which a lot of crazy stuff happens BUT Samantha also break her big toe and has to wear this:
Samantha manages to style her boot with some beautiful dresses.
I did vast amounts of research and found this:

Samantha Jones Breaks A Toe

While this is a tiny a photo, I absolutely love this dress. It's colorful it's interesting and she wears it with her boot/shoe. (Thanks to Denying Insanity for these screencaps, by the way.)
And my favorite quote out of this scene: "I have a broken toe, not a broken spirit." And that is really something I should go for. I just have to beat the exhaustion. So Samantha does not resort to sweats or staying at home. She goes out into the world, looking fabulous, and wearing her little medical booty.

Like I said, not many pictures exist of her in this episode because of the boot. So in the second scene you can barely see what she is wearing but you can tell that she is wearing a strappy pink dress (which is actually quite form fitting) along with her awesome medical shoe. She accessorizes with a gorgeous necklace and kicks ass. Later in the season she'll be diagnosed with breast cancer-- something certainly more serious than her broken toe. But she rocks that out with dignity and beauty as well.

*Sigh* If only we could all be Samantha Jones.

Hot Guys Wear Boots Too
Holy shit, David Beckham is wearing the same boot as me!

I called my best friend to tell her that a stress fracture is a fat person injury. (I'm hurt, I'm allowed to be bitchy.) And she responded, "It's actually an athlete's injury."

And look at that it is. Suck it.

In the End...
I'd really like to do this:

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

My Riff on MVD's 26 Lessons

Adam Baker of Man Vs. Debt wrote a blog entry titled 26 Lessons I've Learned in 26 Years of Living. Here:

It is not my birthday but I really like the idea so here it goes.

22. Love is Not Guilt or Pity
If you find yourself 'loving' someone because you are guilty for your past, or how you've treated them... OR you pity them... this is not all there is to love. Can you pity someone you love? Yes. Should you love them because you pity them? No. Guilty and pity are strong emotions that are hard to detach from. Take a breath. Think about it.

21. Exercising Is Not that Bad. Actually, It's Pretty Great.
I used to HATE exercise. I saw no point. Actually there is a point. You will feel energized, relaxed, centered. Not to mention you'll get a banging bod if you do it right and enough. The key to starting? Start slow. I started by doing abs everyday. Then started trying to run a mile at a time on a treadmill (it's easier than outside) and lifting every now and then. And now? I'm finally ready to compete. Granted they are only 5k races... but it's a start.

20. Mistakes are Necessary to Learn
It's simple. You can't know the results of EVERY action you make until you make them. Only when they become routine, do you have a problem.

19. Play-Doh is NOT an acceptable Snack
Though it is tasty.

18. Zits Happen
So they are unfortunate, sometimes they hurt, and they don't really match your outfit but they happen. Plus, it's a known fact, the more you look at them, the bigger and redder they SEEM. Leave them alone, they'll heal in their own time. And to prevent? Wash AND moisturize. They make moisturizer for even the oiliest skin.

17. People Will Stick Around if You Let Them
Not everyone is going to hurt you. And some will stay with you even after you hurt them. These are some special people. And while you should be embarrassed for some of your actions, never push THEM away because of it. They like you... for whatever weird reason... so roll with it.

16. People Will Leave When You Don't Want Them To
Maybe for a bit or maybe for good. You can't stop them.

15. There is No Shame in Pop Music (Okay, There is Some)
Just don't let music snobs catch you.

14. Mom is on Your Side
Though she may not seem like it sometimes... or MOST of the time. She is. She just doesn't want you be lazyhurtaloneconfused. It's okay.

13. Siblings are Your Best Friends
And if they aren't yet, work on it. They will understand you in a way no one else can.

12. BFF's Require Effort
But luckily if they are like you, it won't take much. :)

11. You Can See the World
Just keep your eyes open for cheap opportunities.

10. Hard Work Doesn't Always Pay Off
You will work really hard on something. And no one will care and the end result will not be all that great. That's okay because you have another shot. Just on to the next one.

9. Do What You Love
You'll be happier.

8. Do What You're Good At
Don't spend all your time trying to be good at something that you're not. Play to your strengths.

7. High Heels Suck
There is very little you can accomplish in them and they hurt. Screw it.

6. People Will ALWAYS Talk
'Nough Said.

5. Life is Better Without a Car
Think of the money you save and the calories you burn!

4. Trust Yourself

3. Always Throw Parties
Playing host can be stressful but you'll be the reason for a million more great memories.

2. Stretch

1. Smile